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Thursday, May 13, 2021

[CLOSED] Official Spa Buddy Open Thread Part 83 - Post-COVID Reopening edition

  NOTE: This thread is locked because there were too many comments! See the next post instead.

I decided to create this post specifically so you guys can post in the comments if you're looking for someone to go to a spa with, or meet up there, or whatever... makes it a lot easier than going through all the previous posts to see if people have posted there. So if you're planning to go and want to meet people there, you can post (or look) here instead!

A few guidelines...

(1) Post some information about yourself...physical description, age, ethnicity, interests and hobbies... I really don't care. I'm not going to force you to reveal everything about yourself, but I'm not going to drive all the way to Koreatown to hang out with someone that I know absolutely nothing about.

(2) Sign your name, nickname, user name, whatever you make up to identify yourself. It makes it a lot easier to reply  to you, as opposed to "hey, third person to reply to this comment"

(3) Be specific...

     GOOD: "I'll be at Century Spa from 7pm-11pm tonight (Nov. 2), wearing a black digital sports watch and my key on my left ankle. And carrying a green water bottle."

     BAD: "I'll be at the spa tonight. I'm the guy with a towel. Say hi!"

(4) If you want to talk to someone privately, leave some kind of contact information! It can be a blogger profile that you're logged into, an adam4adam or dudesnude profile, your email address, whatever. One idea is to post something on Craigslist... when you do that, they give you a throwaway temporary email address that forwards to your own email... it's useful if you don't want to post your email address here.

(5) Maybe make some mention of your expectations. If you're looking to jerk off (or more), say so. If you absolutely don't want to do anything sexual and just want to hang out nude with other guys, say so. Not everyone is going there for the same thing. Also remember that Korean spas are not sex clubs, so please consider moving it someplace else if there's mutual interest, and be respectful of those who don't want to see sexual activity.

(6) Be respectful. Don't be racist, ageist, etc... Remember that this isn't your private home, and you can't just tell a certain class of people that they're not welcome.

(7) Don't ask "What is [insert spa name here] like?"... I've written a LOT of reviews on this website, so why not read them first? Reviewed spas:


  1. The following spas are open as far as I know, as of 5/13/2021:
    Aroma Spa,
    Beverly Hot Springs (only with treatment)
    Century Spa,
    East West Spa
    Grand Spa,
    Hyundae Spa,
    I Spa,
    Joy Spa,
    Riviera Spa
    Spa Palace,
    Wi Spa

    Midtowne is opening 5/20 with limited hours/days

  2. Please keep us posted and let us know what are the changes and hopefully improvements they did.

  3. Does anyone know if Century is requiring you book a treatment or can you buy a spa entry pass like before?

    1. I went there last Saturday. You need to complete the wavier form, proof of your vaccination and $30 entry fee. You don't need to book for a treatment.

  4. I went to Wi Spa yesterday for the first time in well over a year. It was surprisingly normal in there. Virtually nobody was wearing masks in the wet area, and a minority were wearing them in the coed area. The only place where I saw mask enforcement was in the lobby and at the restaurant counter.

    They remodeled a bit... the walls and wood were redone in the dry sauna. And the steam room has new, white tile, much brighter lights, and the steam isn't as thick as before, making the back of the steam room--the only really "hidden" spot in the wet area--not so hidden anymore... the whole steam room is visible from outside of it. I never recommended Wi Spa for cruising but there's even less opportunity now.

  5. Anyone going to riviera spa in Torrance this weekend. ? I want to try it again.

  6. Not sure what happened during covid, but I've noticed increase in prices, frisky behavior, and bad attitude from the Korean spas.

    Many places don't do the full allotted time for massages or scrub and seems to "demand". A tip for sub-par work.

    I guess I won't be going until things change for the better.

    1. I've definitely noted the price increase, and the 4 scrubs I've had at various places since reopening have all been truncated...not sure why.

  7. Why isn't pioneer spa listed on here? Just wondering.

    1. I've never been there so I don't have a review of it.

    2. You're not missing out. 🙈

  8. Is everything opened at century ? Steam room etc ?

  9. How’s century been lately?

    1. I’m heading there now to find out.
      Wondering how it is now since it’s been over a year.

  10. What’s the best time to go to a spa with cruising in mind?

  11. Has anyone been to Grand Spa since it reopened? If so, did Grand make any updates/improvements? Thanks!

    1. Spoke to a guy who went to Grand Spa recently when I was at spa palace. He said no updates or any improvements. Same as before and it was $30 after 9pm. He didn't recommend as it wasn't very clean and 99% cruisy (not the good kind).

    2. I've been to Grand Spa - seems about the same level of everything - cleanliness, cruiseyness. They do have the mats in the locker sleeping room a full 6 feet apart - which is a minor change. Still, only $15 during regular hours and no time limit during regular hours.

    3. Thanks for the replies. I was hoping for some improvements/renovations at Grand since it's close to me.

  12. Went to riViera spa in Torrance. Some cruising, quite a few hot guys. Temp taken as you go in with a self check machine. 25 bucks. All amenities are open. They remodeled the sauna, it’s now bearable for more than 1 min. Before it was extremely hot in there.

    1. Awesome, thanks for the report! Surprised at the cruising though, it was never very cruisy (or crowded) whenever I went, but I guess that since T Spa closed it's the only KSpa in the area now.

    2. brianA, when did you go? I went yesterday (Monday) from 2p-6p. It was practically empty the whole time I was there and didn’t get much of a vibe from the few other guys. I really did like the sauna, it was the perfect temp and smelled nice. The steam room has potential but it smelled like a dirty sock. It was my first visit and overall I liked it.

    3. I went today. (Tuesday ) from 12-3 it was pretty dead at the beginning. But a few guys showed up after. In the past it’s more “active” after 7pm and sometimes around 2pm ish. But things have changed now. What’s your status ? Maybe we can meet there one time.

    4. Yeah I kept waiting for the after work crowd to show up but that never happened. It would be kind of the perfect spot for 4 or 5 guys to meet up.
      I’m 43, BiWM, 5’11” 170lbs, buzzed head, blue eyes, good shape, hairy, just a regular dude. How about you?

    5. 5,7 32 Latin. Average/fit.
      Hit me up brianarora81@gmail

  13. anyone been to spa palace recently?

    1. Went to spa palace this past weekend. Quite crowded! Some what cruisy but mostly straight guys hanging with their friends. Went around 7pm. Still had a good time. I recommend it!

      It's $25 entrance and they ask for ID w/ signature. They give out 2-3 towels only. Can ask for more if needed.

      OH and bring plenty of water! They disconnected the water fountains and don't offer any water except paid water bottles at the restaurant.

    2. nice! thanks for the update. were guys stroking or playing at all?

  14. nice! thanks for the update. were guys stroking or playing at all?

  15. What’s up guys. Went to century today my experience was awesome
    They ask for your temp. Your vaccine cards or neg test results
    Very cruisy. This was around 11am.
    The younger Latino that works there also has a Grindr account lol. Idk if that’s to see how many ppl go in there to cruise it he really is gay. ( no wonder he always stares lol )
    The hot tub. Omg I went in when I got out I smelled like cheesy feet and chlorine. Idk why its usually clean but I guess they have not cleaned it yet. But it was a bit disgusting. Other than that. It’s like old century LOVED IT.

    1. how long can u stay there per visit ? i heard u can only stay for 3 hour?

  16. has anyone been on east west spa recently?? is it cruisy?? is it good??

  17. Going to Minneapolis next week any suggestions for a spa there?

    1. Hotel Ivy on 11th - the men's locker room has individual showers, steam room and sauna.

    2. The website says "Bathing Suits required to utilize the Quartz Spa" How much for a day pass? I can't find the information.

  18. Long story But I had to stop wearing my contacts. Now I have to wear my glasses. Will I be okay with wearing my glasses inside? Weird question, I know.

    1. Also planning on going to century for the first time. Maybe next week. Am 30, Latino, uncut, 5’6, 160. Would love to go with someone experience to show me around. Maybe we play together or with others.

    2. I wear glasses and I have them on all the time. They fog up in the sauna so I remove them, but no big deal!

    3. Got it thanks! I know it’s a dumb question.

  19. BREAKING NEWS - haha. Went to get lunch around the corner from Wilshire Spa this afternoon and there's a small sign on the window that only says, 'OPEN SOON' so just a matter of time until it's back up again. Went by Grand as well, huge banners all around announcing 'NOW OPEN' but I think you already knew that, from previous posts. Might pay a visit later this week, that was my last K-spa, about 15 months ago, wow.

  20. Hey guys. Went to spa palace Saturday and it was fun. Haven’t been there in a while. A lot of hot “straight “ guys and most of the guys are cruising. It was super fun for me.

    1. How much for the admission price? I can't find it on the website and how long you can stay there?

    2. Please tell more details :)
      The review here is more than five years old and I'm sure lots has changed (?)

    3. Spa entrance is $25. Requires ID.
      Unlimited stay and free garage parking. Spa does close at midnight.

  21. For a first timer which spa would you recommend. Grand or century?

    I Am 30, Latino, uncut, 5’6, 160. average/slim build. Anyone who wants to tag along is welcomed to

    1. Century. Personally, I find Grand to be pretty dirty. It’s also small. Century is probably the nicest of them all. Wi Spa is nice but hard to cruise.

    2. Sweet. Then century spa is it. Plus it was my top pick. Thanks.

  22. Wilshire Spa is reopening June 15th at 9am. There is an automated message on their reactivated phone number.

  23. I went to CJ Northridge today. Lots of eye candy.

    1. Hi! We’re you able to cruise? And around what time did you go?

    2. Sometimes, you could tell some were playing in the steam room, but everything’s so open so its hard to cruise. I went around 2 left a little after 4 since there’s a 2 hour limit. I was over and they didn’t say anything, so not sure how strict they are about that.

  24. What’s up boys, email me at mrdelrey52@gmail.com, looking for buddies to hit up Century in the next few days. How’s the crowd? Easy play?

    1. Just came from there. Nice crowd. Very cruisy.
      The owner was there today and idk if he got complaints of ppl playing but he kept walking by the steam room and starring inside.
      What I don’t get is this .... you have to be fully “vaccinated” to get in right, or have a negative test result. So in theory it’s a 100% covid Free environment. But he kept opening the steam room telling ppl to stay 6 feet apart. Why !? If your rule of covid works , then why tell ppl to be careful of covid !?

    2. I'm assuming so he doesn't get in trouble with the county.

  25. i just got out of Hyundai spa, not worth it! the steam room is broken, zero cruising, kind of dirty, only koreans, i miss Wilshire lol, a lot of action all the time, century is good but i feel like its only for fit gays lol! where are my bears going this days???

  26. Hey. Just got back from Century. Love how it’s back in almost full force. I did have one pretty negative moment that I wanted to ask you all about: There was this elderly Asian man who was being very creepy and leering at all the guys. Whenever he would enter the steam room, he would sit in between two other guys who were trying to mess around. You could tell the vibe was killed whenever he was in the room. He even had the nerve to follow me and confront me by saying “Why you stop playing when I’m in the room? I want to watch.” Does anyone know who I’m talking about?

    1. Tell me about it!!! I know who he is. I saw him first at Joy and then Wilshire. Later on he found the BEST place Century where hot guys go. He totally ruins everybody's by interrupting everybody while they are having a good time. I yelled at him before since I couldn't stand him. He takes any chances to be able to suck hot guys or whoever let him do it. Every time I see him, I don't want to be around. I walk out wherever he is. I don't know how often he goes to Century but every time I go. Gosh! I see him all the time. Maybe he goes to a spa everyday.

    2. Wonder if he's the same guy I yelled at at Wilshire... Does he look kind of Southeast Asian and does he wear a necklace?

    3. I think that's it he wears glasses, skinny and very creepy.

    4. Yes. Elderly, Asian, glasses, gold chain. Very creepy, pushy, does not understand boundaries or good taste. Truly ruining the vibe for everyone. I could tell bc play STOPPED whenever he came in the room. I saw one of the guys roll his eyes when the elderly man sat down right next to him. The elderly man has some serious entitlement issues.

    5. I don't remember the guy having glasses but he would just touch guys without consent in the sleeping room at Wilshire. I should have reported him.

    6. I hope people report him and he should be banned from all spas.

    7. Omg yes !!! He was there when I was there. And I Ben tho there’s no space. He squeezes in there. He sat on my foot last time because there was no space. I was like ummmm social distance lol.

  27. Spent a chunk of Saturday afternoon at CJ Grand. Lots of eye candy and a lot of cruising. It appeared the best place to play was over in the lounge area, but that seemed really risky to me. Between the mirror over the area, and the fact that there is literally no chance to cover up if staff rounds the corner made me uncomfortable to try and play over there.

    I also got a body scrub and massage. The scrub was better than the scrub I got at Century. The massage was good, but he wrapped it up without "evening out" my legs - he stretched out my right leg, but then told me it was time to sit up without stretching out the left. I get it, time was up, but still.

    Finally, they state there is a two hour limit. But they aren't enforcing.

  28. So this is only tangentially related, but has anyone been to Will Rogers beach? I’m thinking of hitting that place up more often. Went for the first time the other day and I was in heaven. The vibe is super friendly and fun. Would anyone like to tag along? Maybe we can even get a group together. Just a thought! Email me at mrdelrey52@gmail

  29. I miss the body scrubs at Royal Spa. Also the guy who did scrubs at Century before they finished remodeling and he later worked at Natura Spa. I can't remember his name but he really knew how to customize the scrub.

    1. Are you talking about Andy from royal spa? If so, I miss him too.

  30. Yesterday night was my first spa experience. Originally I wanted to go to century but ended up at grand spa instead since century closes at midnight and I wasn’t able to get to the spa until 1030pm and I didn’t want to rush the experience- lol.

    It was pretty dead probably since we just came off a 3 day weekend. The few guys around my age (30 ish) left almost right after I got there so the crowd was a bit older.. not that I mind it. There was this pretty hot straight guy (am assuming he was) that at first I thought he would lead to something fun but it quickly seemed that he was avoiding everyone like the plague. I picked up on him not wanting to play pretty fast, so I respected that. One of the things I noticed was that he would not last a second in the steam room with me. Practically would run out as soon as I or anyone else stepped foot inside. Two times it was just the two of us sitting on opposite ends but he would not last. It was hot though walking in on him jacking off, even if it was for a second. At first I thought it was pretty funny that he kept avoiding me/people but after like the third time it got annoying. Like just chill dude… I never even made full eye contact with him - Lol.

    Anyways, since I was probably the youngest there a few older guys def tried feeling me up in the steam room a couple of times but I just wasn’t into them and it was the hardest thing to get them to stop.

    Over all my first trip was a bit of a bust, sad to say. The silver lining is I got to scope out the layout and got to take in the experience.

    Maybe my next outing to one will be Century and hopefully a bit more eventful.

    1. Sounds like you had a relaxing time, so it wasn't a bust, even if you didn't.

      My first trip to a spa was good to understand the lay of the land, and the second time I ended up trading blowjobs with a hot guy. If you go in with the goal of relaxing and then letting things happen, you'll almost always have a great time.

      That said, never cool when a guy grabs you without permission. Never.

    2. Exactly, I went it thinking if I have some extra fun that’s great if not at least I get to enjoy the spa.

      And yes, some of these older guys even with language barriers need to take the hint.

  31. Went to Century Spa this Saturday afternoon between 12-3pm. There was a good amount of people and a lot of playing going on in the steam room. I really enjoyed the patio area! It felt great to lay out in the sun.

    Went to Grand Spa later in the evening to just enjoy the amenities. Not a lot of cruising - probably because someone brought their kid. The crowd was much older too.

  32. What are the best spas for Asian/Korean eye candy these days? I've been to Wi Spa a few times since re-opening, but it's not the same as pre-covid :( It's overwhelmingly non-Asian these days actually...

    1. Joy spa, least 50+% asians.
      I'm Korean, was at Joy Sunday very busy.

  33. Went to Grand Spa the other night at 10pm...my first visit there. Not too many guys but I stuck around to make the $30 entry fee worth it. Eventually met 2 different guys who showed me a good time. Wish the place smelled a little better...and there aren’t too many private spaces to have fun, but for now, this place will do the trick. I’m here now. ;)

    1. I agree about the smell. Every time I go to the lockers, I have to hold my breath.

    2. How are the facilities as of recent? Is it somewhat clean and organized? I haven’t been to a spa in a very long time and thinking of making the trek, just ubers are so pricy these days.

  34. What's the plan, gents? Are we all meeting up at Wilshire's grand re-opening on June 15?

  35. Has anyone been to Wi Spa lately? Is the culture as it was before the pandemic? It was the best non-cruisey place in the country to see rampant male nudity. A lot of very attractive straight men (and gay men) naked without any hang ups, and not overtly sexual. I hope it's the same way because there are a lot of other places that are sexualized.

    1. Wi is pretty much the same. In fact I'd say it's less cruisy because of the changes they made to the steam room... It used to be that was the only place you could play without being seen, but the new lights and misters have made the steam room pretty visible from the outside.

    2. Thanks, man! Has it been getting crowded yet like it used to? What about the clientele? Still a lot of very attractive straight and gay guys? (Century is my go to place for a lot of very attractive gay guys).

  36. Descanso Garden Spa in Tujunga opening June 14 and Wilshire Spa opening June 15 - per their websites

  37. Decanso Spa reopening July 15th per their website

  38. Wilshire June 15th will be great to get back to normal relaxing time

  39. Who is going to Wilshire tomorrow evening? should be a good crowd

    1. Thinking about going to Wilshire this afternoon, if anyone else is going to be around.
      5’8 175 bearded and tattooed.

    2. Nevermind. Now they’re opening June 26.
      On my way to Grand.

  40. FYI Confirming post above. I went to Wilshire Spa today and they are NOT OPEN.

    There is just a sign saying “Opening Soon”

    1. I tried to call wilshire spa they said they gonna reopen june 26

  41. Went to Hacienda Joy today. Nice to be back but they have a strict new two-hour maximum stay rule with additional charges for overtime. I understand the need to keep people from spending all day there but 2 1/2- three hours would be more reasonable. I ruled out taking quick nap or getting in line for a scrub, and was constantly aware of the clock. I'm hoping as things get back to normal they make some adjustments so a one hour massage doesn't count toward your two hour max.

    1. Hi FTracy3,if you get a scrub or massage, they give you additional hour 3 hours total. I was hoping they go to unlimited stay after June 15th.

    2. Thanks for the info--the signage was a little unclear about that. They definitely need to strike a balance that makes financial sense for them between having people stay too long, and discouraging people from coming in the first place

  42. Even with 2 hours limit not stopping customers, they are so busy every time I go there.. usually go on Sundays.

  43. I'm on my way to I Spa now if anyone's in the area

    1. How's ispa? Is there a limit and is the wet steam room opened?

  44. Went to Century Spa on a Saturday afternoon (12pm-3pm).

    The crowd was mostly older + non-Asian so heads up. It seemed like the owner was there because he was wearing clothes and walking/talking with customers throughout the spa.

    1. The owner is so nice! He’s a gay Korean so he definitely knows what’s going on there. If the steam room gets too crowded then he’ll say make some space. Just don’t be sexual and obvious in very open places

  45. The owner is so nice! He’s a gay Korean so he definitely knows what’s going on there. If the steam room gets too crowded then he’ll say make some space. Just don’t be sexual and obvious in very open places

  46. The owner at Century is 100% videotaping people -- watch out. He thinks he's so slick but it's super obvious if you're paying attention. Watch where his phone is when he's sitting down and walking around.

    1. I kinda noticed the way he holds his phone, too but not sure he does that.

    2. are there alot of old asian men in century?

    3. LOL, he's not. But cute post LaLa

  47. A little off topic but if anyone knows of an legit Asian spa or massage (preferably legit Thai/Korean massage)that isn't a front for prostitution where masseurs don't know much about mussage, but where things can still get mutually sensual depending on the mood/interest of the masseur, please recommend. And please word it in a way that's not going to get some place in trouble!

    1. I wish I knew. I'd love a massage like that. (doesn't have to be Asian either)

    2. Been looking and trying out different places for this experience. I would say you will get 1 out of every 6-8 massurer that will help you out, while giving a good legit massage. The problem is, after a few times with them, our human nature finds it boring and look for someone new, so it is a constant on a look out for me, and a lot of money spent.

    3. I know of 3 places in Long Beach/Cerritos/Lakewood (2 Chinese, 1 Vietnamese) that offer what you are looking for, if you don't mind the drive that is (assuming you are in LA)

    4. BW1818 I'd be interested in you don't mind sharing. If you would rather be discreet, then you can email me personally ldcr@yahoo.com

    5. BW1818 if you don't mind, can you share the places with me?

    6. Will send an email to you guys :)

    7. Please send to me too! Email: ryanjames8421@gmail.com

    8. me too!! excelsior33333@gmail.com

  48. Has anyone here ever been to Pioneer Spa in Norwalk? If so, what's the vibe?

    1. Pros: Very clean, Dark room is pitch black and has great potential, Diverse clientele

      Cons: Very small - about 1/4th the size of Century, limited amount of areas to play, located in the middle of nowhere

    2. Didn’t they remove the door to the dark room?

    3. I have not been in a few weeks, so they might have.

    4. Door to the dark room is intact

  49. Does anyone know of a Korean Spa in Palm Springs area?

  50. Going to imperial spa in Fullerton tonight around 730.. anyone else?

  51. FYI, per the Wilshire Spa website, they are OPEN!

    "we are now open!
    temporary business hours:


  52. How's the early morning crowd at Century on a saturday?

  53. Hey looking to get a scrub at Century do you all recommend Tony Scott or John??

  54. Wilshire was pretty hopping last night. Glad to see it back...

    1. How much for the admission fee and how long can you stay?

    2. I went to Wilshire Saturday afternoon.
      Admission is $25. 4 hour limit. 3 hour validated parking. Large dry sauna was closed. Small sauna has new seats. All else is the same. I didn’t notice any other renovations. Water dispenser was removed and seems that the barber is gone too.
      Pretty busy…2 dozen guys. Lots of cruising but I didn’t see much play as the old days. Maybe people are just warming up? I did see a few regulars and some new faces.

    3. They added new mats and pillows in the sleep area. I think they also added new carpet to the hallways outside of the sauna. Some other smaller touches that I appreciate. It felt cleaner, we will see how long that lasts. Lol. When I went, it was mostly regulars that I had seen there before. The owners were nice and welcoming, I’m super glad they got to reopen there business.

    4. Staff was friendly in welcoming patrons back. $25 regular admission.

      The new mats and pillows will probably get worn out very fast.

      Not only are the carpets new but the showerheads and soap dispensers. There are also slip guards at each shower (which I suspect will get mildewy soon) and in the dry sauna.

      If your type is out of shape guys with more hair on their backs than on their heads, pot bellies, back acne and open sores on their groins and buttocks, then go for it.

      There was barebacking, ass-to-mouth without bothering to even shower (not that showering will kill viruses) and most disturbingly, gross guys piling on and grabbing and fucking guys without their consent.

      One jaundiced older guy with ochre hair who would wear his robe (to hide his distended stomach and tumor/growth on his back) would wait until guys weren't looking to reach in and suck guys off.

    5. FurnitureDesignerLA - sounds kind of... horrifying.

    6. FurnitureDesignerLA, thanks for the report, but could you lay off the fat-shaming? Nothing wrong with pot bellies or back hair.

  55. Finally made it to Grand last Saturday for the first time in 15 months and I had a great time all night, since it's 24 hrs. Today I went back earlier and great eye candy, spoke to an older, nice gentleman about spas in L.A. and with this 40-something nice dude, showing off a lot... All and all, spas are back, y'all. Where have you been going? Any good, new and recent stories? Thanks.

    1. Once, I was laying down in the sleeping room at Wilshire Spa. This guy just came in and started sucking my dick. Once I came, he swallowed and kept sucking. I had to pry his mouth off of me because it started to tickle too much hahaha.

  56. One time I was at Wilshire Spa laying down in the sleeping room. This white guy in his 50’s entered the room and laid right next to me. He started stretching and I started watching. Anyway I could totally see all his ass and ended up fucking him. He could tell when I was about to cum and pushed me out of him. I came on his balls and it felt so good. Point is, his ass was amazing and I came so fast.

  57. Anyone going to Wilshire this evening?

  58. Anyone following the Wi drama about a trans woman being let into the woman's area? There's a video out there of some lady screaming at the front desk because she saw a penis in the woman's area.

  59. I love seeing guys with their girlfriends/wives at the spa in the co-ed area, sometimes holding hands, etc. Then, when the guys are in the wet area they're checking out other guys and sometimes playing. So fucking hot.

    1. Ive had this happen a few times with some hot Armenians at Descanso Spa, im sure the wives take their men so they can “relax” lol.

    2. Yeah, this happens at Wi too. You see a dude cruising you when you're alone with him in the steam room and/or hot tub, then go upstairs and he's with his girlfriend in the JJB area/cold room (I guess literally trying to cool down lol.) Happened more than once to me with hot Korean guys. The guys seemed to think the situation was hot too, because they kept on cruising once we were back in the mens' area.

  60. One time a guy like that ate my ass out. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend til I saw them later in the coed area. I felt kinda bad because I wouldn’t have let him do that had I of known he had a girlfriend.

  61. Replies
    1. Thank you. Glad to see you made it through covid.

  62. Went to Century yesterday and it was great as ever. Was fairly busy and play was happening all over. I did notice that the owner or owners were around a lot. Only became an issue when he came around the corner and one guy decided to stand up in the mist sauna with a full erection. He wasn’t doing anything but just bad timing. The owner began shouting something I couldn’t understand. Not at anyone in particular but more like a chant I thought meant to warn others to knock it off.

  63. It’s poppin off at century!

  64. Went to Century and Wilshire Spa today (saturday)

    Century was okay. There was a lot of play happening in the steam room and clay room. There were a lot of guys there this afternoon. I felt like there were a bunch of people just staring around from the hot tubs and lounge chairs, so I ended up leaving.

    Wilshire Spa was quite the experience. It's definitely not as nice as Century, but I do love their shallow hot spring pool. The temperature was just right. As for cruising, it seemed like a lot of the guys there already knew each other. There was A LOT of play happening in the steam room and sleeping room. I saw people finish multiple times throughout the 2.5 hours I was there. It was wild.

    1. Nice, I always cum at least twice when I’m at Wilshire

  65. Was thinking of heading somewhere in K-town tonight after like 7 (Sun Jul 4). Maybe Grand to avoid huge crowds but still be eye candy/fun?

  66. No one was at Wi Spa for the protests? I saw online that Tucker Carlson is playing up the story. Tucker on a story about someone who is clearly not a "tucker"! I have to laugh to keep from barfing....

    1. I would have been there if I wasn't out of town all weekend. I posted something on Twitter in support of trans customers and right-wing bigots started harassing me for it.

  67. Off topic, does anyone know any good “masseur” in Bronx, NY? Or any cool cruise spots in NYC? I’m visiting for two weeks

  68. To the Wi situation does anyone else fear that this could spell the end of nudity at the spas? Making everyone suit up solves the genitalia problem.

    1. The wi controversy is fueled by people without much familiarity with the common practice of nudity and families at Korean spas, as well as reactionary political careerists and talking heads. When I’ve brought trans friends to other spas, common sense is to call ahead and clear protocol with the staff before hand so as to avoid any embarrassment for my friend. The controversy around this feels fake and/or tribalistic.

    2. Or maybe the wi controversy is fueled by women wanting to be able to relax without a dick swinging in their face in a space designed for women.

      At any rate, genders are separated in spas in Korea, so I'm not sure what "the common practice of nudity and families in Korean spas" has to do with anything.

    3. LukeY, you're clearly trolling. Be gone.

  69. Heads up, one of the new cleaning staff at Grand Spa, Carlos, inspects the steam sauna every 10 minutes. I saw him kick two guys out who were touching each other. He later tried to kick me out because I looked like one of them (we're both Asian and have beards). I can’t help but think his maniacal policing of the facility is rooted in hate and homophobia.

    1. Which day did you go? I was there last Thursday and the same thing was going on the few hours I was there. Very annoying and completely homophobic, that was obviously the reason behind his actions. There was some action going on but he never caught it.

    2. YESSSSS I was just there last week! And my buddy and I were literally JUST talking!!! In the TV room with the mats. We didnt want to disturb other patrons because we wanted to kiki and he kicked us out. FOR TALKING! He accused us of being inappropriate. Sad that Grand is going this way.

  70. Going to check out imperial spa in Fullerton later. Anyone else going tonight? Plan on being there from 6-8.. asian.. toned.. about 5’8.. 140.. hope to see some people there..

  71. Asian in my 30s. I'm visiting LA soon. I know they're just opening up but what's the best spa that open 24 hr right now? Wouldn't mind some late late night/early morning fun

    1. Thanks, Sun55. Do they open 24hr now? Google says they close at 11pm

    2. I actually haven’t been since 2020

  72. Thinking about checking out Wilshire spa tonight.. anyone else going tonight?

  73. Going to Crystal Spa at 9:00pm today. Average Asian

  74. Anyone gone to Wilshire in the last few nights ? Any good ? Debating if I should go tonight around 7.

  75. Whelp Grand is now dead. I was there with a friend and we were chit chatting in the TV room on the mats. We were literally just talking. And they banned us "for life." We werent messing around, literally just sitting on the mats, crosslegged, and talking. The towel clean guy screamed at us as if we were doing something inappropriate. I dont think I had ever felt so wronged and humiliated before.

    Like if I was fooling around, fine. Yes, Ill take my punishment, but for just talking????? Insane.

  76. Has anyone heard the impact of the new mask requirement on the spas n LA county. Are masks exempt in wet areas?

  77. Wilshire Update

    1. This place is so fucking hot. It's like a 70's bathhouse. All ages, nationalities, and sizes. Guys hooking up that probably wouldn't have found each other in real life. Awesome time in the dark room this afternoon. Was anyone else there?

    2. For those who ask about best times to go, on Saturdays I would say between 12 and 2.

    3. As I was leaving, I asked about their plan with the new mask mandate. They will be open, and they have a sign that masks and proof of vaccination will be required.

    1. That’s why I love Wilshire. I don’t go anywhere else. It’s like a dick buffet every time I go. I love swallowing dick and this is the place for it. I also don’t feel judge.

  78. Century can be great but this new 4 hour max visit makes no sense. They love adding dumb rules and policies that make me wonder if they actually appreciate that their customers especially for the men’s spa which keeps them in business …. The steam room was turned down so low today it was ridiculous… the management/owner is the definition of a hypocrite when he markets and promote certain activity… I won’t be back for a while and will take my MONEY elsewhere. Business 101 keep your customers happy.

  79. Now that LA County has inplemented the mask mandate folr indoors spacesm what is happening actually at the spa? Would be intereested in whether you have to wear the masks in the sauna or steam or wet "indor" areas, or in the sleeping rooms. What is being required //

  80. Went to Wiltshire today - sign says mask and proof of vaccination required - but they didn’t really check my proof of vaccination and no one wore masks in the wet areas or sleeping room - so not sure the purpose of the sign unless it’s for the health department’s benefit. This was my first time to Wiltshire in 2 years - it was essentially a gay bathhouse and nobody checking or caring about the happenings at all. Fun time! :)

    1. What would be the best time to go during the week?

  81. Or the daytime around 2 is also cool. This Asian businessman was all over my dick during his lunch break. He didn’t strike me as gay but we had fun.

  82. How is wilshire on a Monday night.. anyone going tonight?

  83. Not sure why you guys are raving about Wilshire Spa. Went earlier today and saw literally one attractive guy (young Asian with tattoos on his arms). There was 1 Asian guy that was like basic average with long hair and a small dick that thought he was the shit though lol.

    1. I mean, it's still a legit Korean spa. It's not a 24-hour gay sex club.

    2. Huh? Wilshire hasn't been a legit Korean spa in years. It's basically a gay bathhouse.

    3. I agree, but you can't complain that it's not filled with hot guys 24/7. The benefits far outweigh the negatives.

    4. Wilshire spa is a hit and miss but still the best spa for me.. go there friday afternoon sat night or wed night its always a hit😉😉

  84. Went to Wilshire Spa today (11am-2pm). It was pretty slow in the morning but it picked up in the afternoon. There was a cute, buff Asian guy blowing a handful of people. He even brought his own poppers and got fucked by a guy in the steamroom. So wild.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Which spas require a proof of vaccination? Do you have to show your actual card or will a picture suffice?

  87. Family Diamond spa in city of industry is still open! Come now!

  88. Anybody been or going to diamond spa? Thinking about checking it out tonight..
