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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Changing my mind.

When I write my reviews, they're kind of stuck in time, and sometimes my feelings change a bit. I really liked CJ Spa in Hermosa Beach when I first reviewed it, for example, but as time went on I became less and less thrilled by it. It's closed down now, though, so I guess it doesn't matter.

On the other hand, I really didn't like Lions Spa very much when I first reviewed it, but it has kind of grown on me. It's still not my favorite spa and has a few major shortcomings, but I actually don't find it too bad anymore.

Anyway, I'm just bring this up because my reviews are basically a snapshot of what it was like on the particular day I was there, but my mind can change.

Speaking of things changing, Natura Spa moved recliners onto the formerly heated floor in the sleeping room. I love to lie down on heated floors, and not because that was the best place to fool around, either. (I like the heated floors at Wi, too, and they're out in the open). Anyway, it's kinda sad that they got rid of it only to cram in more recliners.


  1. I haven't been to Natura yet. Does this eliminate any real possibility of playing around there?

  2. Clearly it indicates they're not stupid and know what's going on. When I was there a worker came in every five minutes to check.

  3. I'm hitting Lions Spa today, noonish, with a buddy who's never been to Korean spa. If anyone's there, I'll be the stocky older white guy with the tall black guy swinging major pipe lol. My first time to Lions. Anyway, that's the plan...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i really like lions. not many people there, its clean, and i like the choice of sleeping on the floor or on a recliner.

  6. I did the first time visit to Lions today. My buddy was in a mood to talk and I think his monologue bothered the few other guys there. sorry about that. Lions seems ok, awfully old but a good set up. I'll have to come back solo sometime. Was it just today or is it typical for guys to bring robes into the spa? Seemed like everybody did that. I left mine in the locker. I also prefer small towels for spa rather than a big one, but at least Lions gives two larger towels.

  7. Lions has some down sides, no doubt. But what I like about it is: 1) easiest most hassle-free parking of any spa in the city of LA, 2) just $15 to get in, 3) they don't issue shorts so there are no loud obnoxious armos who never take their shorts off, 4) the cruisers are low key and not over-the-top like at some other spas, 5) if you ARE cruising or you just like looking at naked men, the guys are diverse (which I think is great), 6) the body scrub is not expensive and really good. BTW the body scrub guy will definitely touch your junk, usually to hold things out of the way as he scrubs around that area. Nothing sexual about the way he does it but I love that he is unafraid to touch it all.

  8. GSG: Maybe you can work your way through the various K spas again and write updated reviews with the previous attached so that we can contrast and compare?
    Maintenance, wear and tear, changes in ownership or management, policies (no more urinating in the Century steam room) clientele, etc...can have a big effect on a business so a review from last year may no longer apply.
    Wilshire Spa and Green Spa will still be scary and disgusting so no need to waste your time or risk your health. I plan to give Lion's a try after your update and the pictures on Spa Junkie that make it look much better than many have described.
    Updates please!

  9. Is there a way that customers suggest to Natura Spa management that they prefer the heated floor so that they will reconsider ?

  10. I agree. I would really like the heated floors back.

  11. I haven't been to Natura, but I guess the way to tell management you want the heated floors back is...to tell management you want heated floors back?

    However, if the reason they made the change was because of stuff going on others customers complained about, not sure how much luck you'll have.

    I used the Groupon for Royal Health Spa yesterday, and it's still one of the nicer, smaller spas, but also still mostly empty. And I discovered their "heated floor" room, which has almost no heat, but is pretty discreet, especially considering how few other guys are there most of the time. The heated floor room at Joy is really hot.

    The one at Wi was just the right temperature for me, as is the one at Imperial in Fullerton. There's a small "Jade" room at the back of the recliner area at small Seoul Sauna in Gardena. Also a good temp to the floor there.

  12. I have to agree about Natura. The chairs got moved, and the attendant keeps checking the room, because of complaints about what was going on in there. Someone wasn't being discreet enough and the rest of us pay the price.

    1. The complain that they should be doing are about those inconsiderate customers who would talk so "loud" and would wear their shorts inside the steam room or sauna and would leave their wet & dirty towels there when they leave the room.
      Also those who would not shower before going in the pool even if the signs are clearly written.

  13. I went by Seoul Spa this afternoon. It was a nice spa and cheap entrance fee. The only thing is you don't get uniforms so you have to lie around the chair half naked. That sounds nice but who knows how dirty those towels covering the chair are. I saw a couple of Asian guys but one younger Asian guys has the best looking dick on an Asian I've ever seen. Nice big head and length. Wanted to get his info but chicken out.
    If you are reading this, I was the Hispanic guy 30s five eight. We talked briefly. leave me your email.

  14. Seoul has robes and shorts - they're in a cabinet at the back of the recliner area. Next to door to Jade room. If you're kinda flirting with someone, go into Jade room and see if they follow :-) you got to be discreet but you can maybe be a bit more intimate....

  15. Anyone know how much the scrub+massage in Lion's spa?

    1. This place will limit your stay to only 3 hours, that really sucks!

    2. Yeah, forget that.
      Spas are suppose to be relaxing at your own pace and time .
      If you get services and stuffs that will take away a lot of your time too.

  16. You are no longer welcome at Natura Spa. Come again and there will be trouble. Thank you.

  17. You're welcome. Sheesh.
