Be sure to read the Introduction to this blog!
If you're looking for a spa buddy, this is where to do it.
If you're just looking for reviews, they're here.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

One million page views!

As of right now, this blog just hit a million total page views! Too bad I don't make any money off this thing. Let's celebrate by going to Wilshire Spa today! I'll be there around 11.


  1. Congrat, Spa Guy and spa goers for One Million view! I can't go today (and I am not sure if I want to pay $20 for filthy Wilshire spa entry) but enjoy meet up and happy new year.
    I want to read more of new spa review and STD alert/other health issue around spa. I will also make a comment about that. Thank you again for sharing all of this.

  2. Congrats! I will give someone a HJ in your honor!

  3. You should put ads on the blog, you could be earning free spa entries!

    1. Unfortunately Google won't let me monetize blogs of an "adult nature"

      But hey, if any spas want to give me passes, I'm not above that. Haha

  4. Descanso Spa anyone?
    Young fit white guy here
    Let me know stats and time.
