Be sure to read the Introduction to this blog!
If you're looking for a spa buddy, this is where to do it.
If you're just looking for reviews, they're here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Five Years!

Wow, it's hard to believe that I started this blog five years ago today. I honestly thought I'd give up on it in a few weeks due to lack of interest.

But apparently I have a lot of readers, so thanks you guys!


  1. Thanks for the efforts to maintain this blog!

  2. Congratulations GSG! Found this blog at the end of 2012 and met you on January 1, 2013, at Century for the NYD Meet Up per my old post.

  3. Haha I remember meeting you in the warm pool! Thanks!

  4. Hey i love your blog... Everytime i want to go to a spa i come here first i hope i get to meet you some day.... And also as a suggestion you should re visit all the spas on this new year and write new reviews some of the ones you got here are too old now... I trust your opinion 100%

  5. Wi Spa this afternoon 2-5pm! Sunday Spa Day.

  6. Thanks GSG.

    But did you delete the old "Spa Buddy" threads?

    I enjoyed going through them.

    1. Yeah... Well, they're still there, just not public anymore. I figured they weren't really necessary to keep because there were so many of them it kind of detracted from the reviews and other info.

    2. Bummer.

      I'm a LGBT studies major and was hoping to use your older threads as part of a cultural anthropology project.

      Thanks though for you hard work.

    3. It's not a huge deal for me to make them visible again. Email me privately and I can reactivate them long enough for you to grab the contents.
