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Monday, January 30, 2012


My original inspiration for starting this blog was my accidentally stumbling upon a similar blog covering the many day spas of Las Vegas. The blog is here: http://mensspaguide.blogspot.com. Worth checking out if you're headed to Vegas. And despite the similarity in URLs, I came up with mine before realizing the similarity to the Vegas blog's.... it was completely random, honest!

I like visiting a spa at least a couple of times before typing out a review, but I'm hosting an out-of-town guest for the next week, so I won't be able to visit any spas again for a few days. I do have one spa in mind that I may type up a review for (mostly because I don't intend to visit it a second time... you'll have to wait for the review to understand why!) but I might be kind of busy, so you'll have to live with what I've typed up so far.

And, is anyone reading this? I'd appreciate a comment or two!


  1. Yep, I'm reading! I've been to 7 of the Korean spas in L.A., plus Imperial in Fullerton...looking forward to reading about your experiences. I haven't been to Crystal, so your review was helpful. Cheers!

    1. Yeah, I've been meaning to check out Imperial sometime... it's just a pain in the ass to get there from where I am.

  2. This is awesome thanks for all your posts!

  3. Yes! I'm enjoying your reviews.

  4. I rarely comment but I do enjoy reading your reviews and insight. To be honest though, I've been really disappointed in all the racial discord that I often see in the comments. It just brings me down. A spa, and all things pertaining, including your blog, should be about relaxation and enjoyment. Otherwise, what's the point? Come on guys, play nicely.
