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If you're just looking for reviews, they're here.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

About this blog and its author

So, yeah, I've already posted my first review, so I guess I should explain my ratings...

The scores (out of 5 points) is completely subjective based on what I feel is important in my own experiences:

For amenities, it's a combination of a variety of indicators: Do they have anything more than 1 sauna, 1 steam room, 1 hot pool and 1 cold plunge? How is the towel service? Is the spa clean? Things I generally won't include in my score (unless they're exceptionally good or bad) are the Jim Jil Bang and associated amenities, parking and location, quality of spa treatments, etc.... the amenities rating is purely from the standpoint of someone who only uses the men's spa area.

For cruisiness, I rate based on my personal experience. If there's no action at all (or little possibility of any), it's a score of 1. Scores of 2 or 3 indicate that there is some discreet action going on, but the layout/setup/crowd isn't really conducive to widespread play. Score of 4 or 5 indicate that there is quite a bit of action.

Additionally, I'm relying on comments from people to augment my reviews. If you have personal experience that either agrees or disagrees with my reviews, feel free to let me know! I'm basing these reviews on my memory, but I've been to a lot of different spas over the past 18 months, and honestly, I'm just not sure I'm going to get the details 100% correct for a lot of them. (For example, there's one spa I went to a few months ago where I clearly remember the relaxation room... but I have no idea which spa it corresponds to!)

Finally, a little about me: I am a gay male nudist in my 30's, I live in the Los Angeles area and have been visiting various Korean spas for about a year and a half. Otherwise, I prefer to remain relatively anonymous.


  1. hi , do u have a review on Natura Spa? I've been there a few times - really nice - wondering if you've had action there - not too cruisy, but good for veuyoring

    1. Haven't checked it out yet... Maybe I will soon! My next review will be Imperial Spa in Fullerton... I went there last weekend, haven't had a chance to type it up yet
