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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Review: Green Sauna, Gardena

Amenities: 1/5
Cruisiness: 2/5

Price: $15

Pros: None.
Cons: Small, dirty, horrible.

Well, I finally have a least favorite Korean spa.

Green Sauna is in a mini-mall in Gardena. It's in the corner, and the storefront is hard to figure out if you're in the right place. Right off the bat, it's weird.

You enter around a curtain and you're immediately in the locker room. The locker room is nothing special. Going into the spa, there are three upright showers (two to the left of the door, one to the right), three seated showers, a large-ish hot pool, and a cold pool. There's a steam room and a "Jade room" at the far end.

The steam room wasn't steamy. The hot pool wasn't really that hot. There were no lights in the jade room (which was basically a room with a headed stone floor), but the walls appeared to be cork or something, and I think the lights would have revealed the cork to be peeling off.

There was mildew on the walls. There was mildew on the floors (seriously, there was a massive black patch on the steam room floor). There was mildew on the ceiling. There was mildew on the bottle of conditioner in the shower. I am not exaggerating. Some of the tiles had come off in the warm pool, creating a little pile of dirt on the bottom (the jets didn't really work, so I could see the bottom... I guess it was a good thing that the water wasn't cloudy.)

I had the place to myself for most of the time I was there, which made it kind of creepy. I've had spas to myself before and I wasn't creeped out, but this place did creep me out.

Pretty much the only thing this place had going for it was the fact that if you did find someone to fool around with, there is both plenty of privacy and the steam room and jade room are cool enough that you can last a while in there without passing out.

When I was getting dressed to leave, a female employee walked through the locker room. It doesn't really bother me (I've been in plenty of coed nudist situations) but it might freak some people out.

I did a google search on this place and I found some old posts on forums alluding to possible "happy ending" massages by the female masseuses. The posts were misogynistic and racist and just seemed creepy to me. Granted, the posts were years old, but still.

Seriously, don't bother with this spa.
I'm not even giving out their address.


  1. wow.... i had been a frequent visitor of this spa before over a year ago, and it sounds like this place has gone way downhill. at one point it was clean, and was gaining in popularity. unfortunately this no longer seems to be the case. thanks for the review.

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  2. Thanks for the warning! It sounds awful. I am sometimes in the Gardena area and had it on my list to check out someday but will skip it. I am already grossed out by Wilshire and this sounds many times worse!

  3. Looks like Wilshire Spa is the next one soon, no wonder no one really cares about their Groupon offer that much.

  4. Has anyone ever been to Olympic Spa? It seems to be pretty popular, but no one seems to have talked about it here...

  5. It's for women only

  6. Went to Green Spa Tuesday night - first time. Had a decent scrub. I think I saw the same mildewed shampoo bottle mentioned in the article. They will turn on the steam, but you have to ask, and it's not controlled from inside the spa. I asked the scrub guy, and he called out the door to someone in the locker room. A few minutes later ... steam appeared, and my guess is there's no thermostat in the steam room, because it kept going & going.

  7. Despite it being dirty, I tend to go to Green Sauna more than I go to Seoul Sauna, which is right around the corner? Why? Seoul is brighter, cleaner, bigger, has more amenities and cheaper.
    Well, Green Sauna is quiet and usually pretty empty. They know, when I go, to turn on the steam. The water in the hot tub is clean. The cold tub, not so sure.
    The walls of the Jade room are clay. If you brush up against it, the clay falls on the floor and reddens your skin. It washes off, easily, however.
    I like the heated floor in the Jade room. It isn't as hot as some places. Do guys fool around in there? Yep. Most guys are respectful, however. They don't do anything unless you give them some sort of sign that you are interested or don't mind.
    Something tells me that they might be going out of business soon, but I'm not sure.

  8. This place is a whore house. Gay dudes in the steam room, whores in the "massage" area. You can hear fucking going on in the massage area. I've had a session with one of the girls there. Gorgeous, but definitely had some hygiene issues, smelled of death...

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  10. CLOSED. "For Lease" sign as of 7/11/2014
