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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

More Groupons!

A couple more Korean Spa Groupons were posted in the last day or so: 

Wilshire Spa - 2 visits for $16: 

CJ Spa Hermosa - $10 for one visit plus $15 off a service:

(The CJ deal actually makes their body scrub, normally $50, actually affordable!)

If you've never bought anything from Groupon before, and you want to support this blog, use this link: http://www.groupon.com//raf/UserReferral_rp/121015/10r1act/lk/uu4361422 

...I get a $10 referral bonus if you use it!


  1. Thanks for the tip about the Wilshire Spa Groupon.
    I purchased the two pack and will have to check it out and see if it matches the comments on this blog or is better than I have heard.

  2. Why would Wilshire Spa limit 3 hours stay? What is their problem?
    But if you read their Groupon Q & A they wrote "you can stay all day" :(
